Meet The Buff.
Part of being a writer is having friends who write. The Buff is one of mine. I call her my "Writing Buffy" instead of "Writing Buddy," which I think is hilarious and wonderful. She's a good sport about it. She's a good sport about most things. And recently she got some great, well-deserved news.
After a year of submitting her first novella "The Dark King's Lover" to a number of contests and presses with no success (DKL is a book I edited last winter, a cheeky, sexy, enjoyably dark love story between a witch and a vicious fairy king), Buff finally got GREAT news:
She finalled in the 2nd Annual Novellas Need Love, Too contest sponsored by the Celtic Hearts Chapter of the Romance Writers of America in the Paranormal category. The finalist submissions will not be sent to an editor for the final round and we'll find out in December (around Christmas) where she placed.
So, is Buffy just having a good year?
I don't think so. As someone who teaches writers marketing and platform development, and thinks a lot about what really works and what really doesn't, I'm fascinated when a friend seems to come out of the woodwork and really make something happen.
And I have worked with enough aspiring writers to start seeing real patterns in what works.
So, join me in the next installment NEXT WEDNESDAY, when I talk about the strange thing I see actually working for aspiring novelists that has nothing to do with virtuosity, years of focused dedication, or industry connections.
And say hi to Buffy on twitter. She'll say hi back and what's more, she'll be genuinely interested unless you are an arrogant d-bag. Even then, she'll find you hilarious.
Thanks for the shout out, Nina!