Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wayne Dyer's "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling"


Though we've never met, Wayne Dyer was my first spiritual mentor. I ordered his cassette tapes when I was 16, going to a Catholic high school, raised Presbyterian, and desperate to find spiritual truths that felt more authentic to me.

Now, 18 years later, Wayne still inspires me. I've been moved by his movie about finding purpose, called The Shift. And his PBS special (above) called "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling."

There's a voice in the universe calling each of us to remember our purpose-our reason for being here now, in this world of impermanence. The voice whispers, shouts, and sings to us that this experience of being in form, in space and time, knowing life and death, has meaning.

This presentation is filled with specifics for living an inspired life. From a very personal viewpoint, Wayne Dyer offers a blueprint through the world of spirit to inspiration, your ultimate calling.

I invite you to watch the full program above. like this particular video because it is in English but has Spanish subtitles for those who speak Spanish. Below are my notes, the quotes and concepts that jumped out at me.

"Living an inspired life is about being in harmony with our spirit."
"Inspiration is living in spirit at all times and catching ourselves when we find ourselves disconnected from the spirit..."
"It doesn't come and go. When you live an inspired life you begin to feel as if you're on purpose."
"If you ave a thought that includes some and excludes others, you have moved from spirit."
"I guarantee, by the end of this show you will not have to ask the question what is my purpose and why can't i find it, ... it always seems to allude me... these will no longer be the issues."

Around 39 minutes in: "The Rewards for Inspiration"

  1. All of your thoughts break their bonds
    bonds - thoughts that are out of harmony with spirit
  2. Your mind transcends limitations
  3. Your consciousness expands in every direction
  4. You find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world
  5. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive
  6. You discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be

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