While commuting to work or standing in the unemployment line, while eating sushi or sucking down a shake and fries, while cleaning your room or making it messy, while jogging in the rain or soaking in the bathtub, you can do something profound: you can change your life.
How? By learning. Some of the greatest wisdom the world has produced has been set to audiobook and, with the advent of iPods and MP3 players, we can take those teachings with us just about anywhere.
This week's My Favorite Monday post Nina's Top-10 inspirational books for holiday gift-giving included a whole bunch of books and audiobooks by inspirational writers you might like to know more about. If that's the case, read on for more samples from:1) Eckhart Tolle
2) Louise Hay
3) Marianne Williamson
4) Dr. Wayne Dyer
5) Debbie Ford
6) Martha Beck
7) Cheryl Richardson
8) Caroline Myss
9) Dr. Michael Beckwith
10) Pema Chodron
Here is a brief catalog of ten powerful teachers who have helped millions follow their bliss by overcoming limiting beliefs. Some of these authors will resonate with you, some won’t. Just take a look. When you find one who resonates with you, you’ll know it.
1) Eckhart Tolle
Tolle is best known as the author of the The Power of Now and A New Earth. In 2011 he was listed by the Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world. In 2008, a New York Times writer called Tolle "the most popular spiritual author in the [United States]."
2) Louise Hay
Through Hay’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned how to create more of what they want in their lives.
3) Marianne Williamson
Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer on A Course in Miracles, which she describes as "a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy." Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1 New York Times Best Sellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read by many progressive spiritual practitioners.
4) Dr. Wayne Dyer
Dr. Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of over 30 books and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
5) Debbie Ford
Ford is a #1 New York Times best-selling author and an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and human potential. Her insightful teachings and revolutionary inner processes, combined with her intolerance for mediocrity, have made her an inspirational coach, motivational speaker, and seminar leader. She teaches the Shadow Process, a method based in Jung’s concept of exploring the rejected parts of oneself in order to find balance and wholeness.
6) Martha Beck
Beck is a writer and life coach who specializes in helping people design satisfying and meaningful life experiences. Beck, who holds two Harvard PH.D.s, is probably best known for her monthly column in O, the Oprah Magazine, guest appearances on Winfrey’s TV talk show, and her best-selling books, including Expecting Adam and Steering by Starlight.
7) Cheryl Richardson
Cheryl Richardson is the author of the New York Times bestselling books Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers, Stand Up for Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace and her new book The Art of Extreme Self Care.
8) Caroline Myss
Myss is a five-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. In addition to hosting a weekly radio show on the Hay House network, Myss maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule.
9) Dr. Michael Beckwith
Dr. Beckwith’s life is a living testament to building spiritual community. In the 1970s he began an inward journey into the teachings of East and West, and today teaches universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality.
10) Pema Chodron
Chodron is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. She is widely known for her charming and down-to-earth interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism for Western audiences.
8) Caroline Myss
9) Dr. Michael Beckwith
10) Pema Chodron
Here is a brief catalog of ten powerful teachers who have helped millions follow their bliss by overcoming limiting beliefs. Some of these authors will resonate with you, some won’t. Just take a look. When you find one who resonates with you, you’ll know it.
1) Eckhart Tolle
Tolle is best known as the author of the The Power of Now and A New Earth. In 2011 he was listed by the Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world. In 2008, a New York Times writer called Tolle "the most popular spiritual author in the [United States]."
Sample: “So the single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to disidentify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind all that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it.” -from The Power of Now
2) Louise Hay
Through Hay’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned how to create more of what they want in their lives.
Sample: “For many years one of my affirmations has been: Only good lies before me. It is a comforting thought that wipes out all fear of the future and allows me to wake up each day with confidence, feeling at ease. I am often delighted and even amazed to observe how Life brings my next good adventure to me.” -from Create an Exceptional Life
Video: A Conversation with Louise Hay
3) Marianne Williamson
Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer on A Course in Miracles, which she describes as "a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy." Six of her ten published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1 New York Times Best Sellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read by many progressive spiritual practitioners.
Sample: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” –from A Return to Love
Video: Listen to A Return to Love (part 1)
4) Dr. Wayne Dyer
Dr. Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of over 30 books and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
Sample: “One of my favorite poets, Robert Frost, is the author of one of the world’s best-loved and most famous poems, ’The Road Not Taken.’ This poem about choosing an independent course applies in all areas of our lives. To me, Frost says be wary of following the pack, and don’t do anything simply because everyone else is doing it.
Also, do what you do in the manner that you perceive it, regardless of how everyone is doing it, or has done it. The importance of choosing your own path is reflected in the poem’s conclusion—that taking the road ’less traveled by’ makes all the difference. Virtually all the people we revere took the road less traveled by, and that is why they were able to make a difference.” –from Your Chosen Path
Video: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
5) Debbie Ford
Ford is a #1 New York Times best-selling author and an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and human potential. Her insightful teachings and revolutionary inner processes, combined with her intolerance for mediocrity, have made her an inspirational coach, motivational speaker, and seminar leader. She teaches the Shadow Process, a method based in Jung’s concept of exploring the rejected parts of oneself in order to find balance and wholeness.
Sample: “The evolution of one’s own soul is a process. It’s not a quick fix. It’s not a five day workshop. It’s a lifetime process where we let go, discover and then allow for futures to come into existence. Through connecting to our soul, to our collective heart, we can become congruent with our deepest values and our life mission. We can then allow for the realities which are always available to us to unfold. As we all have heard, love is the answer. Indeed it is, but it's not just the loving of our good self, of our good qualities. True love is embracing our dark impulses, our imperfections, our mistakes and our heartache. That is when one reconnects and experiences the love that is truly the answer.” –from DebbieFord.com
Video: On the Shadow Effect
6) Martha Beck
Beck is a writer and life coach who specializes in helping people design satisfying and meaningful life experiences. Beck, who holds two Harvard PH.D.s, is probably best known for her monthly column in O, the Oprah Magazine, guest appearances on Winfrey’s TV talk show, and her best-selling books, including Expecting Adam and Steering by Starlight.
Sample: “Hello! I'm Martha, and if, like me, you're surfing the Net to avoid work, or have locked yourself in the bathroom with a laptop hiding from your children, or both, I think you'll like it here. After hanging out at Harvard long enough to get a BA, MA, and PH.D. (700 years), I've spent my career helping people experience maximum happiness and meaning. I do that by coaching and writing (bestselling books, a monthly column in O, The Oprah Magazine, restroom graffiti). Whether you're here because destiny is calling you, or you want to help save the world, or your keyboard is controlled by leprechauns, my tribe and I can help. Come play with us!” -from Martha Beck.com
Video: Finding Your Inner Genius
7) Cheryl Richardson
Cheryl Richardson is the author of the New York Times bestselling books Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers, Stand Up for Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace and her new book The Art of Extreme Self Care.
Sample: “For the last twenty years I’ve dedicated my personal and professional life to the importance of self-care by teaching from my own experience. In the past, I’ve sacrificed my health and my relationships for work, given to others at the expense of my own needs, and watched my dreams slip through the cracks of a busy life. As a result, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to put an end to the madness. And, as I grow and evolve, I share the practical tools and resources I use myself, in the hopes that it helps you to improve your own life.”
– from her website.
Video: How to finally take action and get what you want.
8) Caroline Myss
Myss is a five-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. In addition to hosting a weekly radio show on the Hay House network, Myss maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule.
Sample: “Each of us is born with a sacred contract—a reason or purpose for being alive. Your sacred contract is what you are ’meant to do’ during your lifetime. You can also have sacred contracts with other people and learn why you were meant to know them. Let your spirit resolve issues with adversaries. If you can see how that person has helped you grow, you can learn about yourself and discover why you were meant to know that person.”
Video: Being Fearless
9) Dr. Michael Beckwith
Dr. Beckwith’s life is a living testament to building spiritual community. In the 1970s he began an inward journey into the teachings of East and West, and today teaches universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality.
Sample: "I believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power within you that's greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it! Now that is what I know, for sure."
Video: What is Your Pissocity Level?
10) Pema Chodron
Chodron is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. She is widely known for her charming and down-to-earth interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism for Western audiences.
Sample: “On this journey we're moving toward that which is not so certain, that which cannot be tied down, that which is not habitual and fixed. We're moving toward a whole new way of thinking and feeling, a flexible and open way of perceiving reality that is not based on certainty and security. This new way of perceiving is based on connecting with the living energetic quality of ourselves and everything else." -from Start Where You Are
Video: YouTube: Living from the Heart
Note: this list was originally published in Follow Your Bliss magazine. For articles on how to do what you love and love what you do, look for The Best of Follow Your Bliss eBook, to be published in January 2013. What to be notified when the book comes out?
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