The new year has been very much a NEW YEAR for me. My trip home to Florida was transformative, mainly due to my sister giving me a book on Lightworkers and talking to me about how she believes I have the ability to heal others. I used to do a sort of energy healing on her 10 years ago and she's never forgotten it.
Anyway, I have learned a lot about how my intuitiveness and empathy can be powers, not things that make life harder, but moreso, how I can use them to heal people. I've done about five energy readings and they've all been incredible experiences. I even have a client I've started doing them for and am incorporating it into the manuscript development services.
It seems like the things I care about most: the spiritual side of life and the literary side of life, are finally coming together in a more open and dynamic way.
Having said that, I have taken a giant step back from my own writing. In fact, I decided about a month ago to "give up" and it was actually very freeing. I have to dissect out the true love of writing I was born with from all the rules and ego stuff that got entwined along the way. I feel I haven't really found my voice, or how to transmit my voice into my books, and that is why I haven't finished anything.
So I am working at just being one with God, with my higher self, and with the things that truly bring me joy. And the wonderful thing is that I am starting to feel that buzzing in my chest again, that honest spark that comes forth when a real piece of writing wants to come through. So I am journaling every day first thing and starting to keep a space open for something authentic to come through.
I've also been really focused on work. I decided a couple weeks ago that I wanted to make $1,000 a week, so I made that my goal and really what it required was just pushing myself a little and making sure I worked more billable hours and less unpaid hours. I really wanted to see if I could do it, but also I am moving to my own place in March, so I want to have a lot of money for rent and deposit.
All this together has meant that I've spent a lot of time either working or meditating or giving readings this month and it's put me in a sort of rarefied state of mind. Not very social or bloggy.
Those of you who visit the blog, thanks for checking in. What have you been working on?
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